A Historic Middleman

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A Historic Middleman


Post by Alanston »

Well aware of the important role that the Ayutthaya Kingdom played with regards to trade with China and other regions in the past, Emperor Zheng Yi sends a significant trade fleet to the capital of Bangkok to discuss relations and investment opportunities with the @Republic of Siam. Leading the fleet, and coming with the authority of the Emperor, is Grand Admiral Zhong Liuxian. The Siamese are informed ahead of time of the fleets arrival, their exact naval plans, and their peaceful purpose in visiting Siam.

Included in this fleet are:
6 Type 55 Destroyers
10 Type 54 Frigates
1 Shandong Carrier
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:15 am by Alanston


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