Forces to Match the Population

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Forces to Match the Population


Post by Alanston »

Well aware that the existing army is pitiful compared to the population of the nation, Emperor Zheng Yi has given the order for the expansion of all three branches of military, alongside the construction of further naval construction yards, airplane factories, and expansion of ports and airports throughout the nation. Funding is diverted towards these projects, and work is set to begin immediately.

The goals of this will be to recruit at least 250,000 troops, expand the airforce by around 300 aircraft, and roughly double the size of the navy.

Work begins on several naval construction yards, as well as the airplane factories throughout the nation almost immediately, with several being constructed in various locations throughout the nation. Meanwhile, the expansion of existing ports and construction of airports throughout the nation is also underway, with all ports being upgraded and expanded to increased standards. These larger ports will ensure the nation can sustain increased trading activities around the world.

Elsewhere, existing shipyards begin work on the expansion of the navy, with work beginning on the construction of many new ships. Simultaneously, work also begins on the recruitment and training of new officers to man these ships.

Similarly, existing airplane factories will receive several orders for the expansion of the airforce, with work beginning on the construction of new planes as well. As with the navy, recruitment begins for new pilots to fly the planes.

Finally, recruitment campaigns begin throughout the nation, with propaganda being used to help recruit soldiers to fight for their country. Many of the soldiers are informed that by joining the military they will be able to help defend their nation against colonial empires, and to help reconquer the rest of China, something which appeals strongly to the people, thus resulting in many people being eager to sign up and join the military.

[I'll specify planes and ships once I get that information finalized]
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Re: Forces to Match the Population


Post by Alanston »

As work on the expansion proceeds according to plan, the Emperor is given an update on how things are progressing.

With regards to the troops, the training is proceeding at a steady, albeit slow pace, due to the sheer amount of troops being recruited. With 300,000 recruits having signed on, training them is taking some time. The troops have been broken down into training groups of 5,000, with each group rotating throughout various parts of the Empire, including the islands, coasts, and mountainous regions. That said, the training has been progressing relatively well, and all 300,000 recruits are expected to be welcomed into full service in the near future. At present they are undergoing the final stages of their training, including mock battles and naval invasions (and defenses). When surveyed, many of the recruits state that they are eager to help reconquer the rest of China and help keep imperialist powers out of China.

The shipyards that were ordered for construction throughout the nation have also been completed, alongside the expansion of existing ports throughout the nation. The workers at these shipyards have been hard at work building the necessary expansion of the navy, with roughly 3/4 of the ships being complete, with the remaining quarter nearing completion. Those that are completed are undergoing final testing and retrofitting. The expanded ports are already paying off as trade slowly begins to increase to reflect the expansion of the ports. Recruitment of new sailors and officers for the ships has also been completed, with the new personal undergoing the final stages of their training.

The airplane factories that were ordered have also been completed, with the construction of the new planes being well underway. Many of the planes that were ordered have been completed, and are currently undergoing final testing, although several are still under construction. The recruitment and training of new pilots has also been completed, with many currently finishing their flight hours to prepare to man the new planes. Expansion of airforce bases throughout the country is also well underway, and expected to be completed in the near future. These bases are in strategic locations, and will house various planes, ensuring that the nation is able to respond to external threats to the air within a relatively short time frame.

A current estimate for exact numbers is sitting at: 300,000 troops, ~250 aircraft, ~350,000 tonnes
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Forces to Match the Population


Post by Alanston »

After much work and effort by many people throughout the nation, the military expansion has finally been completed. The troops being trained have successfully passed the final stages of their training, and have officially entered into active service. Elsewhere, the shipyards have finished the production of the various vessels, and they have officially entered into active service as well. Similarly, the new planes throughout the nation have also been completed and are entered into active service. Alongside the new ships and planes the new recruits for the navy and airforce have also completed their training and have been paired up with their new vessels and planes.

With the expansion complete, a grand military parade in Nanjing is ordered, starting at the Forbidden City, and making their way down to the docks along the river. Many civilians and officials are in attendance, and the event is widely broadcast around the world as a sign of the Qi Empires strength. During the parade, Emperor Zheng Yi and Palace Secretariat Kong Wei both make speeches about the greatness of the Chinese people, the strong history of the Qi Empire, and the importance of the One China Policy. Emperor Zheng Yi then promises the people that he will finally take action to reclaim the rest of China for the Qi Empire. The parade ends in a national celebration, as people party and celebrate the Empire.
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