Deutschland, Vorwärts!

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Deutschland, Vorwärts!


Post by Mitteleuropa »

With the conclusion of the 197x elections, having achieved another victory for the Center-Left DDP, Manfred Schmitz now prepares for the innaguration of Addler Martell, replaxing him as Chancellor of the German Federal Republic. Schmitz, Chancellor for the past 8 years, and party leader of the DDP for over 20 years now, had already committed to a retirement from politics upon his re-election 4 years prior. Now, on the eve of Martell's innaguration, Chancellor Schmitz prepares to leave the nation with a final word regarding his service to the nation, and the state of Germany going forward, translated to English for the benefit of international observers;

"Good evening, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Children of the German Republic, as well as members of our international community. Tomorrow comes the end of my time as German Chancellor, an enormous privelege in which I had been entrusted to serve for my nation, for 8 years in total. Since the beginning of my career in politics, in the shadow of the failed Nazi putsch of 1933, I have worked tirelessly to uphold the German state and its values, through times of good and bad. Though I take much pride in my work, I am severely humbled by the cooperation and understanding I have been shown by my fellow Germans along the way; politicians, soldiers, citizens, foreign leaders, everyone I have worked with in my lifetime. Without this, the achievements of this German Republic would not, could not, have been as grand as it has been.

I wish to instill the same optimism and drive, in which I had for my home during the worst of times in 1933, for the Men, Women and Children of Germany, Today, during perhaps the best of times. Tomorrow, I retire from my lifelong work for the German State and German people as a politician, and hand the Chancellory to the trustworthy hands of Addler, but my work as a German Citizen continues until death, and not until then will I have a proper goodbye for my nation and her people. My wish is for Germany and her people to extend Mr. Martell, the Chancellor following, and so on, the same respect, kindness and cooperation that I have been shown in my own time. Continue to inspire the next generation of Germany, the next generation of humanity, and provide for the greater good."

Manfred Schmitz protege, Addler Martell, had been working dilligently within the party and the German State as a hot rising star among German Liberals; notably as the Oberpräsident of Westphalia, then Reichswirtschaftsminister (Economic Affairs) during Schmitz's first Chancellor Term, and later the President of Germany during the 2nd term. Only 48 years old, the youthful and passionate Y inherits a relatively healthy German state, but with many doubts regarding his ideological positions by Conservatives, Nationalists and Socialists, who have all begun to recover from a strong period of Liberal leadership. As well, he carries a few controversies regarding his past political offices and personal life, his social popularity proving to become a double-edged sword as he enters higher political offices. Should the young Chancellor fail to make a lasting impression and further the work of his senior, Chancellor Schmitz, the likelihood of a shift in German politics would rise tremendously, potentially unsettling the Berlin Liberal political establishment which has dominated the last 20 years of German politics.
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Re: Deutschland, Vorwärts!


Post by Mitteleuropa »

The following graph depicts the German Reichstag, updated for the 1978 Election results.

KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands): 21 Seats (-3 seats, Opposition)
DSDP (Demokratische Sozialistische Partei Deutschlands): 41 Seats (+4 seats, Opposition)
SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands): 87 Seats (+23 Seats, In-Coalition)
DDP (Deutsche Demokratische Partei): 211 Seats (-40 Seats, Coalition Leader)
Zentrum: 76 Seats (+4 Seats, In-Coalition)
DVP (Deutsche Volkspartei): 162 Seats (+12 Seats, Opposition)
DNVP (Deutschnationale Volkspartei): 41 Seats (-3 Seats, Opposition)
Other/Independent: 11 Seats (+3 seats)
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