A Speech on the State of the Republic

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Kingdom of Ireland
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A Speech on the State of the Republic


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

The 1978 National Election of the Muvitzah Amami has come to a close. The general takeaway was another victory for the Party of Republican Vision. The Muvitzah Amami is elected in one large national election every 4 years, and these past four have seen the Party of Republican Vision oversee a period of economic growth and political stability, as their history of working with the other two largest parties, the Carthaginian People's Party and the Social Democratic Party both to pass legislation and to combat the radical Party for National Unity. This has earned them more seats, taking mainly from their center-right and center-left competitors. Sufet Azrubaʿal Bodmelqart, also a member of the Party of Republican Vision, is set to deliver a speech to the newly convened Muvitzah Amami as well as the Adirim in a joint session. The Adirim do not have a single election, accounting for each Mizreh having authority over how their representatives are chosen. As a result, the election of the Muvitzah Amami has become a point where the sitting Sufet makes a speech concerning the state of the Republic and what the future holds.

The joint session is held in the Halls of State, the seat of the Laqgħa. The Halls of State lie at one end of the Grand Forum of Carthage, with buildings hundreds or even thousands of years old built in a similar style to the Forum of Rome, but thrice as large. Government buildings lie along either side, ministries residing in buildings constructed generations ago by workers long forgotten. At the other end, opposite the Halls of State is the Palace of the Sufet, their official residence. A sprawling building of marble and stone, only rising about 3 stories up. Halfway through the Grand Forum lies the seat of the Miat, and in the center there is a pillar, atop which stands a golden statue of Ħannobaʿal Baraq. If not for the multitude of politicians, bureaucrats, and tourists walking around in modern clothing, one might be mistaken that they were transported to 250 BC.

The joint session of the Laqgħa take their seats, Muvitzah Amami on one side and Adirim on the other. Historically, there have been periods of great animosity between the two houses, but that has largely melted away in the past century or two. Still, members of each house may be seen jokingly taunting the others with petty jokes that have filled these halls for decades now and are taken lightheartedly. Quiet chuckles echo on the stone walls. Eventually even those quiet down to silence, and Sufet Bodmelqart walks to the stand and begins to address the legislature.

Noble and Glorious Adirim, Devoted and Passionate Muvitzah Amami. I come before you as the Sufet of Carthage to bring forth my beliefs about the state of our most serene and distinguished Republic. These past four years have been a grand boon for our state and people. Our economic standing has continued to grow in a way that would see our ancestors smile. We have retained our relevancy in technological advancement and the flourishing of the industry of technological innovation in Carthage is one we are only seeing the humble beginnings of. We have seen stability and the waning of political extremism, a danger to both our way and quality of life. Indeed, I wonder where their desire for radical solutions originates when they live in the longest-lived Republic on Earth. They have lost faith in a system that has not only survived but thrived, and this past election has shown that the people understand! We will not allow a few loud voices to break our Republic.

Sufet Bodmelqart takes a moment to allow for the applause at this statement to calm down. Notably, the Party for National Unity members do not clap.

Still, we can never accept prosperity is our norm and fall complacent to it. Prosperity is never something to be expected, it is something a people must fight to achieve and keep. Our ingenuitive, proud, hard working nation fights to keep our prosperity every day. We fight for it in our commerce, our industry, our dedication to our Republican Constitution. Our values set us up for success, but our people push us there. We must keep pushing, and never falter. If we stumble but for a moment we may lose all we have gained. There is no doubt in my mind that we as Carthaginians have the capacity to accomplish this! I am honored to be the one in the position to help keep our prosperity alive. We as a people are destined for greatness. The might of Carthage shall be known throughout the world. Our wealth will be the envy of the world, and our navy will know no match. Long Live the Republic!

The Sufet descends from the podium to applause from the Laqgħa. Another rousing, patriotic speech from Bodmelqart is what was expected, and he again delivered. His message to the Laqgħa is clear, at least to them: Bodmelqart will see Carthage grow, and nothing will stand in the way.
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:36 pm by Alanston


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