NPC Activities Thread

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NPC Activities Thread


Post by Alanston »

[This thread is for random events and activities of NPC nations, often in response to other happenings, but also random events occurring around the world. If you want to get involved, please make a new thread with a quote of the respective activity/event. Activities could include events ranging from military recruitments/expansions, political events (including assassinations and major policy changes), elections, to alliances and wars.]
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Re: NPC Activities Thread


Post by Alanston »

Jewish leaders, both spiritual and secular, from around the world begin travelling to the Wendish city of Krakow for an international Jewish meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to hold the discussion, yet again, on whether the Jews need a Jewish state that can be known as the Jewish homeland. Obvious proposals are in Palestine, but there have been other proposals as well, including Beta Israel in Axum, as well as other locations. The meeting will, hopefully, help the leaders come to a consensus in the matter. Previous meetings have been unsuccessful.

In Canada Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau's liberal government has created the Foreign Investment Review Agency. The purpose of this agency is to review potential foreign investments in the country, and to ensure any foreign investments are in the best interest of Canadians. However it is widely known that his government is anti-American, and many are well aware that this agency is just a guise to prevent American investment in Canada. His government has also been working on drafting a Canadian Protection bill, which would prevent any new American companies from operating in Canada going forward, current companies operating would be permitted to remain.

In Rome, Pope John Paul I has died of a heart attack, just 4 months into his term as pope. Catholics around the world are shocked at this news, and many have come out to mourn the deceased pope. Cardinals from around the world are called to Rome to participate in the election of a new pope.

Following the death of Pope John Paul I, The Republic of Korea and Otomo Daimyo of Kyushu, both Catholic realms in Asia, announce that they are switching their allegiance to the Pope in Ayutthaya. Discussions arise over this move, but both nations state that they made the switch in order to strengthen ties with other nations in Asia. Uncertainty remains over what other Catholics in Asia, especially those in the Philippines, will do.

In northern France/Gaul the Republic of Soissons has begun quietly building up its military. General recruitment has increased, and local factories have begun creating an increased amount of tanks and ships. The government has also begun shopping around to purchase new fighters and bombers.

In southern Africa, the Karnata Kingdom continues their pro-Hinduism policies. Although Christianity and other Abrahamic religions are not banned, they are strongly discouraged. Foreigners, living predominantly in the cities of Asraya (Cape Town), Karnata (Maputo - the capital), and Kaustubham (Johannesburg) are exempt from these policies, but are not permitted to proselytize.

The disputed region of Ladakh will be holding a referendum in the near future, intent on declaring their independence from the Sindh Sultanate. The Maratha Confederacy in northern India has announced that they will not recognize the results of the referendum, and fully intends to annex the region should it declare independence from the Sindh. The Sindh, for their part, are tired of the constant threat of war and religious unrest in the region, and have pledged to give the region its independence if the referendum is successful.
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Re: NPC Activities Thread


Post by Alanston »

The meeting of Jewish leaders in Krakow continues, with many at a stalemate with regards to their future. Most calls for a Jewish state in Palestine have died out following the Axumite war. Some push for an independent Jewish state in Beta Israel following the war, whilst others discuss alternative proposals. Some leaders discuss the need for a rich nation to back them, with proposals for the United States, China, or Mexico being put on the table. Yet the debates still continue.

Brian Mulroney's (conservative) opposition party in Canada continues to lobby the government to open up to American trade, though Trudeau's government continues to shut them down. A few minor protests have broken out, primarily in border towns, due to the developing situation.

Following a lengthy period of time behind closed doors, the smoke finally blows white in the Vatican, announcing that the conclave has elected a new pope. Cardinal Giuseppe Siri is the new pope in Rome. Cardinal Siri has taken the name Pope Eusebius II, after Pope Eusebius in the 3rd century. When asked, he stated that he agrees strongly with Pope Eusebius' belief that apostates should not be forever debarred from ecclesiastical communion, but readmitted after doing proper penance. This is a view he hopes to push during his papacy, as the church struggles with apostates in South East Asia as the Tai people turn to a state elected communist pope.

Following the election of Pope Eusebius II, and the statements by the Chinese, the Korean government passes legislature stating that they will no longer institute religious control over their people, and will begin the process of instituting complete freedom of religion for all Koreans. However, the nation is still strongly Catholic, which permeates all aspects of the nation, including the government. With this new legislature going into effect, the nation withdraws its official support for the pope in Ayutthaya, stating that the government leaves the decision on who to follow completely up to the people of Korea, rather than the government.

The Republic of Soissons continues their military buildup, having purchased some new fighters and bombers from the Novgorodians. They also begin constructing a series of border forts along the borders with Rome and the Rhineland. There are rumours of backroom deals between the Soissons and the Saxons across the sea.

The Karnata Kingdom in southern Africa continues its pro-Hinduist policies.

The referendum in the disputed region of Ladakh has passed successful, with the region voting overwhelmingly for independence. Though some say this is because the region has a different language from the Sindh, and are Buddhists to the Sindh's Muslims. The Sindh have respected the referendum, and have moved their forces out of the region. The Maratha Confederacy moved their troops to the northern mountains as soon as the Sindh left, and have issued an ultimatum to Ladakh, demanding that they submit to Marathan rule. The Ladakh have refused the ultimatum, and war appears to be an obvious outcome unless someone intervenes.

In the Americas, Snake King has been elected in a democratic election in the Dominican Republic. Snake King, a former member of the cartel who turned from his former ways, has begun instituting policies to take control of the nations resources and resorts away from large companies and institutions, instead working to redistribute them to the workers and the people of the Dominican Republic. Although not explicitly communist, his party does have strong socialist leanings.
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Re: NPC Activities Thread


Post by Alanston »

The Jews in Krakow continue their meeting, remaining cautiously hopeful about the possibility of a Jewish homeland in Nias, sponsored by the Tai communist Catholics. Others in the community, especially in strongly democratic countries and in certain European countries, are hesitant about the idea of trusting communists and Catholics, respectively.

With the trade disputes in Canada dying down, so too have the protests, as business seems to return to normal, with the exception of American trade.

Pope Eusebius II has begun preaching messages towards the Catholics in Asia, encouraging them to return to the fold and rejoin the global Catholic communion.

Soissons has finished many of their border forts with Rome and the Rhineland, and has begun manning them and arming them with S-300 missile systems purchased from the Novgorodians. They continue mock drills and training exercises to ensure they are prepared against possible Roman encursions.

The Karnata Kingdom in southern Africa continues its pro-Hinduist policies. Rumours of a smuggling ring between the Karnata and Japanese shogunate (main island) have emerged, but are largely denied by the wider global community.

The Maratha Confederacy has annexed Ladakh, a move that has gone mostly unnoticed by the world at large.

Still officially denying any connections to communism, Snake King's policies continue to lean more and more towards communism, as he continues to implement socialist policies throughout the Dominican Republic. These policies include passing laws to take land from wealthy companies and individuals, many of whom are likely American and Mexican, and redistributing them to the local people. If these people are American and Mexican, their respective governments would likely be quite displeased.

Seeing the success of Snake King, and the lack of action by the Americans and Mexicans, local 'socialist' groups in other Caribbean nations begin gaining support and preparing to run in upcoming elections.

In Yemen the Arab Caliphate has begun persecuting the Christians in their newly acquired lands. Many local Arab Muslims take their frustration at the recent Axumite crusade out on the innocent Yemenite Christian populations.

In other former Axumite lands, now various nations based on tribal divisions, the governments have troubles building their power bases like Axum had, and the various nations slowly begin the descent into poverty, corruption, and obscurity, just like many other African nations.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: NPC Activities Thread


Post by Alanston »

The Karnata Kingdom in Madagascar continues to persecute Christians. The rumours of a smuggling ring continue, but are still unproven.

Snake King continues to implement communist policies throughout the Dominican Republic, as he redistributes the wealth and land throughout the nation.

Other 'socialist' groups in the Caribbean continue to gain popularity. With some groups, especially in Guyana [French, Dutch, and English united), making subdued actions towards gaining support in their respective regions.

In the Republic of Bloemenland, General Frythowulf van de Storm has taken control of the military and stormed the capital building in Sint Augustinus. Reports of gunfire can be heard throughout the capital as the new government, under General Frythowulf, takes power. Smoke can be seen in various large cities as buildings burn. The previous Stadtholder, Bastijn Weltevreden, has not been heard from since the coup. There are rumours that he has fled the country, but nothing has been confirmed as of yet. In the meantime, General Frythowulf has taken to executing anyone who opposes his new government, in a purge that extends to all walks of life. International governments are advising against travelling to Bloemenland.

Unconfirmed rumours state that Frythowulf was inspired by Snake King's rise to power.

The Arab Caliphate continues persecuting Christians, forcing them out of Yemen and into Africa. It is likely that the British Commonwealth would hear of this as Christians flee into their lands.

In Asia, the Muslim Japanese Republic of Shikoku strongly condemns the execution of their "tourist" by the Shogunate. They inform the world that they are looking for someone willing to discretely investigate the situation for them.

The Shogunate offers footage of the trial and states that anyone conducting foreign investigative work in their nation must be properly registered and get adequate approval first.
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