Come my brothers, death to the MPLA

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Kingdom of Ireland
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Come my brothers, death to the MPLA


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

State of the Angolan Civil War, February 2nd 1978

Location: Near Anga

While no ceasefire had been called in the Angolan Civil War between the UNITA-FNLA Government backed by South Africa, and the largely unrecognized socialist MPLA, fighting had largely reduced in recent years. With Jonas Savimbi going from freedom-fighter to President and effective dictator of Angola, the Democratic Republic Of Angola (DRA) has seen some degree of stability along the coastline provinces as well as the border provinces with South Africa. With the assistance of the South African Military and the foreign contractor Executive Outcomes, the DRA has created some semblance of an organized army. In contrast, the MPLA and their claimed "People's Republic of Angola" has little semblance of a government at all and functions in the state of revolutionary warlords rather than a functional government, retreated into the rural forests and hills of eastern Angola. With a formed, functional military (especially compared to the MPLA), South Africa has been pushing Savimbi to utilize their centralized armed forces and break the stalemate with the MPLA. With the agreement that limited South African assistance be given, a plan was formulated to conduct some probing strikes and test the MPLA's capability and resolve.

Near Anga, a series of helicopters fly over the savannah and forests. Five are visibly aged Hueys with M134 Miniguns mounted on the doors, filled with 14 Angolan infantrymen each. Two though, are not. On either end of the Huey formation are Armscor Aasvoëls, South Africa's Troop Transports/Attack helicopters. Armed with a 20mm Autocannon and four 19 x FFAR Rocket Pods each, they carry 8 South African Special Forces operatives to assist the 70 Angolan forces. Their target: A confirmed MPLA FOB approximately 16 kilometers northwest of Anga. The Recces have trained the Angolans in South Africa's infamous "Broom and Dustpan" tactic for encampments such as these, and were preparing to conduct a solely air assault version of the tactic.

The Hueys and Aasvoels land five kilometers away from the FOB and off let their troops. Then, mysteriously, they head backward in the direction they came. the 78 men slowly make their way towards the FOB, preparing themselves at 500 meters from the FOB and establishing some ad hoc defenses for the prone position, Angolan forces in the middle and Recces on the flanks. Once all are in position, an Angolan officer calls in to the helicopters to begin. The helicopters had been conducting a wide horseshoe and upon confirmation of the infantry being in position, rotate back towards the enemy FOB, forming a semicircle around it. At once, they fire, slamming waves of bullets and rockets into the headquarters but leaving one direction uncovered: the direction of the infantry.

The MPLA fighters are caught by surprise. Many are simply killed immediately, either gunned down or destroyed by the blasts of the rockets blowing the base to ash and splinters. Others are hurt badly, left with missing limbs or deep wounds to bleed out from in minutes. Some heard the incoming aircraft and became concerned, and survive the initial onslaught. Without AA though, they instead grab their rifles and sprint away from the fire. As they clear the tree line, what few fighters left barely see the line of infantry aiming directly at their only route of escape. The order is given, and the Angolans & South Africans open fire.
Moved from International Incidents to RP Archive on Fri May 17, 2024 10:37 am by Alanston


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