Americans or Yankees?

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Americans or Yankees?


Post by Alanston »

The Foreign Affairs Minister, Karlijn van Pesch, was sitting at her desk when the email came in from the Council of Governors. Reach out to the American Commonwealth, were the instructions. She had argued quite fiercely that the Yankees, Dixies, Texans, and anyone else who tried to call themselves 'Americans', were self absorbed arrogant fools, since everyone on the continent (just like all other South Americans, she viewed the Americas as one continent, rather than two) was an 'American', not just those in the former United States. Yet the opinion of the Council of Governors won out, and she was instructed to reach out to the American Commonwealth to discuss establishing formal relations and recognition of the new state (and instructed to drop the issue with names). She then asked if she should just make this meeting a council, including the Quebecois as well, but was subsequently informed that Mauritsland was not getting involved with any of the French states until the dust settled and it became clear who the legitimate France was, as to not be seen taking sides in a potential future conflict. Though she knew this was just political jargon to ensure that the GWC could still trade with all the different French nations.

And so, after her arguments had failed, Minister van Pesch reaches out to the @Commonwealth to discuss potential of recognition and official relations between the two nations. She offers to come to their capital of New York City, but also extends the offer for them to visit Mauritsland should they so desire.

Shortly afterwards, one of her aids makes a request that she inquire about the status of the so-called 'Goblin King', also known as Chuck Schumer. Van Pesch laughs at this suggestion, though does not commit one way or the other.
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Kingdom of Ireland
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Re: Americans or Yankees?


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

The office of the State Department of the Commonwealth accepts the offer for a delegation to travel to New York City, where a Commonwealth delegation headed by Secretary of State John Kerry will meet them.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Americans or Yankees?


Post by Alanston »

Foreign Affairs Minister Karlijn van Pesch, now currently temporary Stadtholder following the death of Stadtholder Florentijn van Augusto, boards a flight and heads off to New York City. She forwards her flight information and informs the Americans that she will be accompanied by two aides, a guard, and a representative from the GWC.
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:24 am by Alanston


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