Hey... what's going on here?

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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

Many people would still be firmly against integration, believing Alberta would be better off alone.

Regardless of the statements of those caught, they would still be thrown in jail. Those who escape would be hunted down ruthlessly.

The Alberta government denounces Commandant Pearson's speech as nothing but imperialist propaganda, providing a strong implication that 'true democracy' is nothing more than a cover for annexing Alberta.

Those in Alberta respond to the Alliance's comments about the credit cards by stating that the reaction and stonewalling of the Atomic agencies and law authorities doesn't particularly point towards them being stolen, but rather towards them being purposely used for subversive actions.

The Albertan military remains stationed along the border, but does not make any moves against the Atomic military.

In the prison Jeremy Ryker would be informed that the Alliance has denounced him and denied any connection to him. He is asked if he can prove his claims.

With the Nahuatl's having offered to host the meetings, President Brian Jean agrees to the meeting and travels to Tenochtitlan for the meeting. The Aztecs assure the Alliance that they are, indeed, democratic, and invite them to attend the meeting. [Skip to meeting]

"Thank you both for coming, I understand that there are some disagreements with regards to the actions of those claiming to be Atomic citizens within Albertan borders?" Emperor Chimalpopoca begins. "The Albertan side is well known, thanks to the evidence they have released online, and I must say, it appears to paint a nasty picture of the Alliance. But I would like to hear their side of things. Tell me, did you really refuse to work with the Albertans to track down one Alex Murphy? And what of these credit card scams? If they truly are stolen, like your government has publicly suggested, why did you refuse to work with the Albertans on this?"

Although the Alliance's worry about the Nahuatl's being democratic is leaked to the press, which immediately begins questing the Alliance's hardline stance on democracy, with some questioning whether the Alliance is focusing on the wrong thing. Others state that in a world as diverse and broad as ours, it is inevitable that there will be states who are not democratic, and that not being democratic is not always a bad thing. Several non-democratic states (which are likely not recognized by the Alliance), such as most South American nations, Mongolia, and the Feng Empire denounce the Alliance's statement. Other states, like the Tamil Trifecta and Manchuria, state that they too stand behind democracy and agree that it is important to be able to vote for who is in power, even though it is well known that none of the states have free elections, with some either forcing citizens to vote for one individual, or only having one party legally allowed to run in elections.

Whitmer would get straight to the point. "I have heard some concerning allegations coming out against your nation of late. Not to mention that there are some worries with regards to your responses as well, especially given that they seem overly aggressive towards a legitimate state's government. My own government, and the opposition, both have raised some serious concerns about our relations as a result of these things. As such, I would like to hear your side of the story, both with regards to these covert operatives sent to Alberta, as well as your overly aggressive comments made against the Albertan state and its government."
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

Seeing the increased tension the Janitor would back off and continue work, limiting conversations to small talk and kind gestures to maintain his reputation.

Agents who have been caught would continue to formulate an escape plan, some causing disturbances within these facilities. The remaining agents will continue to hide away, and one will see Authorities approaching but before they do anything he would transmit a warning to others over his AtomDLink device warning and flee the area, the message stated that officials are searching the forests, the agents would begin to scatter, remaining off main roads but heading more south avoiding the current search zones.

The Alliance would ignore the Albertan Denouncement. Citizens who are claiming that the Alliance is stonewalling and refusing to cooperate would be met by Atomic Citizens demanding the Albertan government respect their judicial system and request a warrant from a judge. Atomic News sources would be airing information daily, stating that the Alliance simply asked the Albertan Government to obtain a warrant for an investigation into these persons by presenting Reasonable Cause, as each Atomic Citizen is afforded the right to privacy and cannot be invaded by the Government without justification, the Albertan Government proceeded to threaten war over a simple legal process that upholds our rights and would rather strongarm the Alliance into violating such rights.

The Alliance Military will be ordered to set up defensive positions along the Border, Armored Units will take cover behind structures and Engineers will begin to construct Concrete Barrier Emplacements along nearby roads to prevent any incursion of Atomic Territory. They are ordered to only fire if fired upon and not to advance into Albertan Territory under any circumstance. Those in CBRN Gear will begin to place Giger Counters along Border Posts and order the Civil Defence Commission to begin inspections of surrounding cities' bunkers.

The Alliance will move 30 AWH-5's and 80 AWH-6's to Moose Jaw. 25kt of 90-95%HEU, 30Kt of 3.5%HEP and 25kt of 85-90% HEU is moved to Moose Jaw as well.

Ryker would claim he only had his Verbal Claims, without his wife he cannot show any pictures and if she hasn't come forward by now, they probably won't let her. He had been instructed to bring no other proof with him and keep everything locked away or shredded to hide his identity, they provided him with false documents to make the journey
The Alliance was simply complying with our Constitutional Rights, Atomic Security Officers and Phone Companies requested a Warrant from a judge to continue the investigation into the personal information of these individuals, not only is it illegal for the Alliance to interfere with a person's personal information without justification but it is even worse to send this information to a foreign state that fails to recognize these judicial practices. Following the threats of war, initially made by the Albertans we obtained a warrant legally to investigate the Credit Cards used by the Phone Companies and we found that the information used to obtain them was falsified and an investigation has begun into their issuing.

Pearson will state, firmly, before changing to a more concerned tone

The Alliance is rather unsure and concerned about why the International Community is blaming the Alliance, we made no threats or indications to invade their lands, but their state attempted to strongarm us into violating our citizen's rights and we are the aggressor. It is rather insulting what the International Community thinks of us at this moment, our main mission is to promote democracy and ensure each citizen of our planet can have access to our advancing world.

Those worrying about the Alliance's Hardline stance on Democracy would be proven correct, the Alliance has a very low tolerance for recognizing or cooperating with states that fail to provide their people with free and unrestricted elections and fail to respect human rights. Some studies and News articles in the Alliance would remind the community that Democracy does not mean forcefully electing one person or only allowing one party to run in an election, rather these states operate under an Authoritarian State that oppresses the ability of an individual to choose and self-identify.
Peterson would be taken aback by Whitmer's statements, once again, similarly to Pearson, he would be hurt by the Great Lakes' claims on the situation and seemingly blame projecting onto the Alliance. He would sit straight and provide a stern response to Whitmer.
The Alliance is rather insulted by these accusations not only by the Great Lakes, but the International Community Whitmer. The Alliance holds a strong stance on Democracy and ensuring true peace may be achieved amongst North America and the World, we were not the ones who made the threat of war nor mobilized along our borders first, our state has simply moved into a defensive position to ensure the Authoritarian State of Alberta cannot oppress our people by forcefully invading our lands.

He would pause for a moment, grabbing some documents

The Alliance was issued a Military Threat from Alberta when we informed them that an investigation into the private information and matters of our citizens and corporations would violate our constitution without a warrant from our judicial system, we provided them with the contact information and our Judicial Offices would have assisted them in applying for and providing the justification for such an investigation. However, Alberta seems to believe this is an unreasonable request and rather they could strongarm our state into violating our constitution by threatening war, but we will not be intimidated, Whitmer.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

Any disturbances caused in the jails would be dealt with quite harshly, with prisoners receiving solitary confinement any time they step out of line. Those without ID are seen as 'aliens' and 'enemies of the state', regardless of their origins, and would be treated rather unjustly by some of the guards. Though this would only occur in areas without security cameras, and only with no other guards present.

Those fleeing south would find Albertan authorities searching those regions as well, since the government had began operations throughout the rest of the country. Noting the fact that the agents are fleeing away, the authorities begin working in groups and start herding the agents towards inhospitable terrain, such as lakes and cliffs, thus preventing them from fleeing undetected. They would use helicopters flying over at night with heat sensors, canine trackers, local hunters who know the woods, ground patrols, and other types of searches to hunt down the agents and anyone else living off the grid. A reward would be offered to any Albertan citizen who reports people living in the country without any forms of ID, or those living off the grid.
Nusantara wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 1:13 pm They would then begin operations throughout other forests and sparsely inhabited regions (including mountains) throughout the country, arresting anyone found without valid forms of ID.

The Albertan government would ignore the Atomic Government's responses, censoring the information available within Alberta to reflect their narrative.

Noticing an increase in activity around the border, especially with regards to checking bunkers (some of which would likely be visible from the border, especially for towns such as Lloydminster), and well aware of the Atomic Alliances possession of nuclear weapons, the Albertan government would respond by conducting practice drills for potential nuclear weapon attacks. Those in Alberta with VPNs (only a couple thousand) would share this information online, however they would not respond to any requests by the Atomic Alliance for help spying or anything like that.

The Albertan military continues to remain on standby, none of them opening fire, but all of them continuing to monitor action on the other side of the border.

Ryker is asked if he is willing to make a video recording, attesting to his claims. He is informed that he will be free to say whatever he wants in the recording, without any interference, and is asked to comment on his treatment in said recording. He is also asked if he can provide the usernames for some of his online accounts that may be able to help verify his claims (twitter, instagram, facebook, etc). If he agrees, he is brought to an outdoor space a km or so away from the prison with no one else around, and no cameras or recording devices present (though body cams on the guards are still present), and the recording equipment is set up. The setup for the cameras has two angles which cover all possible sides, including the guards, to show that Ryker is not making his confession under duress.

"I see, well I must say that the information we received was not quite up to the same standards of information as you have just provided. We were, for example, not informed about the requests for a warrant, just that you had refused to provide assistance. Mr. Pearson, do you agree to share any information you obtain through your investigation with the Albertan government? Would this satisfy the Albertans?" Chimalpopoca asks, turning to President Jean.

"If the Atomic Alliance is willing to share all information they have obtained through their investigations, promises to invest in reworking their border security to prevent situations like this happening again, and issues an apology for their harsh words against our government, then that will satisfy us and we will stand down and withdrawn from the border."

Chimalpopoca nods, "That brings me to my second point. Pearson, you mentioned your confusion with regards to the international communities response. Well, I have here a copy of the communication you issued to the Albertan Government, provided by the Albertans. As you can see, it comes directly from your government. There is also this information that has been shared online from an announcement you made to your people. To me, and to others in the international community, it very much seems like you are threatening to invade the Albertan Government. It seems to us that you are attempting to promote democracy through militaristic means. What do you have to say about this?" Here he would pull out a copy of the communique, and a transcript of the announcement, and hand them to those present.
Atomic Alliance wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:01 am The Atomic Alliance does not recognize the threats from the barbaric Albertan Government and denounces their right to govern the lands of Alberta, the Alliance is in the position that no un-democratic regime may be present in the North American Continent, and any state that defies such must be forcefully removed in the best interest of the North American people.
Atomic Alliance wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:01 am The Atomic Alliance will make an announcement in major/minor cities along the Albertan Border
Citizens of Saskatchewan and the Territories, the Albertan Nationalist Government has made military threats against the Alliance and has breached the North American Shield, the presence of such an authoritarian and undemocratic state cannot be allowed to exist in the Continent, this state had mobilized their Military upon denial in our judicial system to investigate our own citizens, they cannot make such undemocratic and authoritarian demands against the alliance and the possibility that they may do it again is the problem, the item that violates our Shield. I am warning each and every Atomic Citizen to prepare their shelters and listen for the Air Raid Siren for an impending attack, Local Defense Parties have been placed on high alert and the Atomic Security Forces are securing our borders as we speak.
Following the hardline statements with regards to democracy, many nations (those who are more authoritarian) would immediately cut off trade with the Atomic Alliance, if there was any to begin with, and boycott Alliance products and goods. Other nations would step in to fill the gap in trade, although due to the recent banking crisis, a lot of nations in the Americas (South America in particular, but several smaller North American states), and several European nations had turned to one party governments and low level authoritarianism (yellow zone nations) to weather the crisis, and have remained that way since. As such, those nations would also be the ones cutting off relations as well.

Whitmer frowns. "I think you are misunderstanding me. I have been advocating on behalf of your nation this entire time, that is why we are having this conversation, and not just ending our treaties and the like. But you have to admit that some of your statements are rather antagonistic towards the Albertans. I agree that it would be better if they adopted a proper democracy and gave the people freedom of speech. However forcefully removing them from the continent, as you have threatened to do, just escalates the situation, and, to me, does not seem like the best way to bring about democracy. Would not more covert operations be better? Working slowly and gaining the peoples trust, and helping them to spark a revolution to overthrow the government from within? Instead you are making bold statements against their nation's right to exist on our continent, and threatening to forcefully remove them. That is where these issues arise.

"Would it not be best, for now, to just help out the Albertans and keep peace on the continent, while biding your time? By making the statements you made, a lot of Albertan people will likely start to see you as an enemy, one that is against their very existence. They may not like their government, but by threatening the existence of their state, you in turn threaten the Albertan people and their way of life. If you plan on annexing Alberta, which I personally have no qualms with, though others in the Great Lakes may object, I would think that you would want the people on your side, rather than against you."

She pauses to drink some water.

"I must warn you, from one friend to another, however, that my party holds a tenuous grasp on power. It is likely that if war breaks out, and if your nation takes certain actions necessary to win said war, my party will be removed from power. And the party that replaces me may not be so 'democratically minded' as you are. Nor would they be so keen on upholding the relations that we currently hold. It's likely I may be removed anyways, as I am losing the support of my government and of my people. The recent banking crisis severely crippled our economy, and gave rise to various communist parties, all of which, if they banded together, have the power to overthrow my government. Take this as a word of warning, and consider carefully your next actions."
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

Those who remain in Albertan Jails will maintain their hardline stance on their backstory. Some, when abused by Guards will take any opportunity present to attempt and assault the assaultive officers. Others will try to converse with other inmates where possible, echoing the idea of an inmate mentality and that it is Us vs. State because the state has abandoned us.

Those fleeing will continue to communicate encrypted information amongst themselves. Two (2) will see Albertan Officials approaching their position quickly, trapped they will remove the DATA Card from their AtomDLink device, fully destroy it and throw the device away from them, One will grab a pill from his bag and swallow it, once Officials arrive he will be found convulsing. The other individual will be on her knees with her hands on her head. The remaining Agents will flee East to the Border continuing to try and avoid detection, once arriving they will attempt to rush the Atomic Checkpoint. Only one who is posing as a Janitor will remain in Alberta, continuing to keep his head down and remain close to the church, ensuring he does not violate any laws or draw unnecessary attention to the church.

The Alliance will note the increase in Albertan Drills, Infantry along the Border will finish implementing the sensors and will reposition behind concrete emplacements and behind the Border Checkpoints themselves. Security Officers will remain on high alert, 90% will be positioned with Infantry while 10% will continue to screen returning Atomic Citizens or Refugees who intend to flee Alberta.

Atomic News Companies will begin to arrive at the Border, those who were providing a live feed from Border Cameras now have a Reporter and Equipment onsite to perform 24/7 coverage. These coverages will range from providing an overview of the situation to speaking about true democracy and how a one-party state cannot identify as democratic in any way shape or form as it is an absolute violation of democratic principles, some will be interviewing Atomic Citizens who live near the border or those who are fleeing Alberta.

The Atomic Alliance will continue to remain on a Defensive Protocol only, since their State has not authorized a war and has only authorized defense against a threat of war.

Meanwhile, airmen at Moose Jaw will begin to fuel the arriving AWHs onsite with the arriving Fissile Materials.

80 AWH-6s will be loaded with 0.3kt each or 24kt worth of the 90-95% U235
30 AWH-5s will be loaded with 1kt each or 30kt. 25kt will be 85-90% U235 and the remaining 5kt will be 3.5% Pu239

1kt 90-95% HEU/WGU
0kt 85-90% HEU/WGU
25kt 3.5% HEP/WGP

Ryker agrees to make a Video Confession. He will state that he made no social accounts since he intended to join the ASIS from a young age, they recruited him at 23, one year after he married, and he will insinuate that he 'abandoned' her for this career. During this admission, he will express great remorse and indicate that it was not worth it.

Once the recording begins, Ryker will display quite an emotional stature, almost as if he was about to cry.
People of the Alliance, I stand in front of you today to let you know our Government is not who they claim to be. I was sent to Alberta as a distraction for a larger covert operation intended to destabilize the Albertan Government, our government advocates for the failure of this state and actively attempts to persuade it.

A tear will emerge from his left eye
When I admitted to my Atomic Citizenship in hopes that our state would attempt to have me returned, they denounced my existence. Claimed I was nothing but an Albertan Spy intended to destabilize their Government. I don't have anything to prove this, but please, Mary if you see this, please help me, I miss you

Ryker will break down crying
Following the Albertan Demands, Pearson will nod his head in disagreement
I am sorry but the Alliance would be unable to comply with your requests for an Apology, however, We will be open to sharing the information gathered from our investigation into these false identities used to obtain those accounts, though, we must insist that any further inquiries into our people's private/corporate information beyond this matter must be addressed through our courts first with the proper justifications provided without attempting to strongarm our state through threats of war, as the Alliance will not tolerate further undemocratic threats against our states Security.

Pearson will change his attention to Chimalpopoca
You may feel that our statements were an indication to invade Alberta, but these were simply to inform our people of the impending Albertan Offensive and our full intention to defend our Security and the Security of the North American Shield.

Pearson will place a copy of the Albertan Communication on the table, this communication is dated prior to the Alliances statements and deployment.
Nusantara wrote: Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:02 pm The Albertan authorities escalate the issue to the foreign affairs office, who threatens war against the Alliance if they do not comply with the investigation [for both investigations]. As a show of force, the Albertan government issues a mobilization order, and starts to mobilize its military.
Nusantara wrote: Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:02 pm The Atomic credit card companies and banks would be warned that failure to comply would lead to an armed conflict. This warning is also sent to the Atomic federal government.
As you can see, these threats clearly implied a direct move to an armed conflict if we failed to comply without a Warrant, once we denied these demands for the final time our state followed the Albertan lead of deployment and exclaimed the situation internationally and our intention to defend every millimetre of Alliance Soil and to work for the Democratic Interests of North America against this direct threat of War.
Any Government that is consisted of a One-Party State or fails to comply with Human Right Statutes outside of North America would already not be recognized and refusal to trade would already be present unless in a state of war and was previously a democracy. Those who join the embargo would be met with dissatisfaction from Alliance Representatives who would cease any basic diplomatic interaction with these states, indicating they would be happy to resume once their State is okay with cooperating with a Democratic State.

The Alliance would likely suffer a shortage of some supplies from those states, the Government would attempt to ease a transition to another supplier by cooperating with corporations and other governments.
Peterson would release a slight sigh.
I apologize, Whitmer, our statements were in Defense of our Government, we have no interest in waging an offensive war against Alberta nor an interest in operating covertly within their Government. As we may denounce the Albertans and their choice of governance, it is not in the best interests of North America for our alliance to start an offensive war with them over this situation, but we will not stand down if they attempt to advance into our territory.

However, their Governance is a disgrace to the rights and freedoms of their people, rights and freedoms that are inherent not only in all Humans but all North Americans. We are simply stating the position of our state regarding their unjust rule as our state does not recognize the ability of an authoritarian regime to legitimately hold land in North America or the World, cooperation with this state is only on the basis of continued peace and our shared border.

I thank you for the warning Whitmer, I hope you and your party can remain strong and if you need anything from the Alliance just let us know, we do not want to see the unnecessary uprising of authoritarian regimes.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

The prisoners who fight back would be beaten further, before being taken to solitary confinement. One or two would be 'accidentally' shot.

The individual on her knees would be arrested and thrown in jail with the others. The one who died would be taken to a hospital, before being buried as a 'John Smith'. Of the agents fleeing towards the border, they would have to go through the soldiers first. Most soldiers would let them pass, allowing them to cross over. Although not without jeers and ridicule as they go.

However, near at the crossing near Cold Lake, the soldiers, who are bored with the orders not to open fire, and with nothing to do, would see the agents approaching late one night. Their officers would have already given them orders not to open fire, however one or two soldiers would do so anyways, gunning down the agents from the front. The shots would ring out into the night. This would be able to be heard from the border (and seen if anyone is using high powered binoculars). The two soldiers who shot would be reprimanded, and the bodies of the agents would be discretely disposed of.

The priest would approach the janitor, and thank him for his hard work, but warn him about the deteriorating situation. He would offer the man the possibility to leave Alberta for the Alaskan Peoples Republic in the north, if he wanted. The priest would state that he is making a trip up to Yellowknife for humanitarian reasons, and has a pass to leave Alberta. He would discretely add that he has several others who would be travelling in his truck with him, and offers passage to the janitor. The priest would add that he has a connection just outside of Yellowknife, where those being offered passage would be put on a flight to Nuuk, where another connection would be waiting to offer the passengers new IDs for several of the smaller European nations, along with a reasonable amount of cash to get them started in their new lives. From Nuuk, and armed with the new IDs, the various passengers would be put on a flight to Amsterdam, where they would be able to disappear.

Few Albertan refugees would be fleeing through borders with the Atomic Alliance, due to the increased buildup of military forces. Not to mention the difficulties for Albertans wishing to travel outside of the nation (they must have a job and a valid passport in order to travel). However a small handful would be travelling. As with the escaping agents, the travelers would be able to pass by unheeded. However there would be random spot checks, and anyone deemed to be escaping or travelling for non-work related reasons would be detained and/or turned back. Atomic citizens would be harassed, but allowed through unharmed (except for the two agents who were shot down).

Most of the Albertans who manage to leave, and are actually fleeing, not just travelling for 'work', would avoid the media, hiding their faces and doing their best to depart the border towns as quickly as possible. One or two would speak to the reporters, if only to tell them that they wish for more political freedoms and freedom of the press, but to add their undying love for Alberta at the end.

The soldiers will remain on standby, not making any actions against those on the other side of the border.

Ryker is thanked for his confession, and informed that he will be released unharmed if the Atomic Alliance, or his wife Mary, makes contact and can prove his identity (a photo is sufficient). He would be brought to a private room within the prison, and treated with respect and dignity.

The video would be forwarded to President Jean, during his meeting with the Aztecs, as well as to the Atomic Alliance. It would not be released publicly to the media, in accordance to Article 3.1.C of the Geneva Convention, with relation to the personal dignity and humiliation of prisoners.

Jean would frown, crossing his arms. "See what I mean? The Atomic Alliance refuses to even apologize for calling my nation a "barbaric state" which needs to be "forcefully removed". Those statements are outrageous, and I demand an apology!"

Chimalpopoca would spread his arms, speaking in a conciliatory tone. "Please, gentlemen, let us stop for a moment and consider our actions here, shall we? President Jean, given the information shared by Pearson - information you failed to release, mind - I think that some of the statements made by the Alliance are only fair. Saying that you must be forcefully removed is perhaps taking things a bit far, and so is calling your nation barbaric. However questioning the aggressive behaviours of your nation are well within their rights. Personally, I think they went a little far in their accusations, but they have a point with regards to your comments. Now, shall we discuss a resolution to these tensions, one that perhaps both parties will be comfortable with?" He would pause just then as Jean's phone pings. "President, are we keeping you from something important?"

"One moment, please." Jean replies, opening his phone to find the video confession of Ryker. Looking up, he pulls up the video and turns it so Chimalpopoca and Pearson can watch. "I just received this video confession from one of the covert agents that the Atomic Alliance sent into Alberta. An agent, I might remind you, that the Alliance has denied exists."

After watching the video Chimalpopoca would be silent in thought for a few minutes, before replying. "This is most disturbing, if it is true." Holding up a hand to forestall any objections from Jean, he continues. "While I do not doubt the legitimacy of such a video, I must question it's purpose. It is a well known fact that various nations send people into other nations to gather intelligence all the time, usually these people are news agents, who travel of their own free will to report on the happenings of other nations, but sometimes these are foreign agents." He narrows his eyes and looks at both Jean and Pearson in turn. "Let's not fool ourselves here men, I am certain that both of you have sent agents into the other nation. Within the privacy of these chambers, let me urge you both to set these facts aside, and to forget any offenses that may have been caused by this.

"Now, shall we discuss a resolution? One that both of you will be happy with? For starters, I would like to encourage Pearson to make a public withdrawal of certain statements, namely the ones where you question the Albertan government's right to exist and govern, and where you state that they must be forcefully removed from the continent. Jean, I would like you to issue a public apology to Pearson for making threats of war over a lack of information. What were you thinking, by the way? That threatening war would get them to somehow comply? Next, I would like like to ask that Jean's other two comments be taken seriously. I would like BOTH of you to invest in your border security to prevent a breach like what purportedly happened from occurring again. I would also like to ask the Atomic Alliance to share any information they obtain during their investigation with the Albertans. You may go through us, if you feel more comfortable. Jean, I would like you to return any and all prisoners who claim to be Atomic citizens, unharmed, to the Alliance. Finally, President Jean, I would like you to permit neutral international observers to take part in your next federal election."

"I-I, I don't believe this! You're siding with him?" Jean exclaims, pointing at Pearson.

"No. I am siding with neither of you. Jean, you raise a fair point with regards to your complaints, and some of the comments made by the alliance are unwarranted. Pearson, however, also makes several fair points with regards to your nation. I am here as an neutral international intermediary. And as an international intermediary, I am doing what is best for the international community, and that includes neutral observers for your next election."

Jean fumes for a minute or two, thinking things over, before replying. "Fine. I will comply. But don't expect us to change our electoral system over this. There is only one legal party permitted in Alberta, and we aren't going to allow other parties, so your international observers will observe my party win the elections."

Chimalpopoca shakes his head. "I would like you to permit other parties to run as well. How you do this is up to you, but you must permit at least three other parties to run in the election."

Jean swears loudly, standing up. This causes two of the Emperor's elite Jaguar guards to materialize from the edges of the room, standing behind Chimalpopoca. After a moment or two, Jean sits back down. The Emperor casually waves the guards away, who return to their posts at the edges of the room. "Fine. But only after the apology is given by the Atomic Alliance, and only after their military stands down."

"Right, I had almost forgot. I want both of your armies to stand down, at the same time." Jean mumbles, but nods his agreement. "Excellent. Pearson, what do you say about this?"

Whitmer nods, "Thank you for these reassurances Peterson, they go a long way towards quelling any doubts I had. I will pass along your comments to my government, and we will see how things go from here. But, of course, a lot of this depends on your nation's actions over the next few days with regards to this crisis. I must go now, and I am certain that you are quite busy. If I need anything, I will let you know. Take care." With that, she ends the call.

Later that day she appears before her congress and makes her statement, supporting the actions and decisions of the Atomic Alliance. Despite her best efforts, however, opposition is fierce and calls for a vote of non-confidence in her leadership. Without the support of key members of her party, many of whom question her loyalty to the Atomic Alliance, she loses the vote. She is quickly kicked out of her party following the vote. This leads to a domino effect, with her party collapsing without her leadership, and the opposition party taking over, but only after forming a coalition with a more centrist party. This new coalition in turn severs any military treaties with the Atomic Alliance, but does not withdraw full relations at this time.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

Those in solitary will calm down seeing that their fellow Alliancians did not return to the facility, many suspect they have been killed while some keep positive thoughts and suggest they were simply transferred. The returning agents will be dishonored by the Jeering and ridicule but continue their sprint for the border, after crossing they will continue into nearby cities where they will be picked up by black suburbans and transported to an undisclosed location.

Two Soldiers who were attempting to cross at Cold Lake would be killed nearly instantly as they were unable to see the soldiers prior to opening fire, however, upon the discharge from Albertan Soldiers the Alliance will sound an alarm along the border placing all soldiers on High Alert for an impending attack believing the shots were directed at Alliance Soldiers or Security Officials, many stationed at crossings will run to cover and establish a supported firing position. An outlook officer stationed nearby Cold Lake will see the execution taking place on the other side of the border and quickly rush to report the incident to the Regional Command, his assistant will relay a message over the Tactical Communication Channel to inform other officials along the border of the incident and to remain on standby.

However, one newly trained recruit near Cold Lake who was startled by the discharge and subsequent initiation of the Stand To Alarm would raise his rifle into the air and begin discharging 5 rounds while screaming
The Sergeant in command of this station will quickly run towards the newly trained recruit, taking him to the floor before disarming him, a moment of silence will be cast amongst the Cold Lake station, hoping the Albertans do not take it as a provocation.

Citizens and Reporters who hear the alarm will rush to cover, fearing the worst. Some will begin to broadcast while the sirens are blaring indicating a suspected attack has begun against the Alliance, one team at Cold Lake will record the rogue soldier and state that "Return Fire has been initiated". Regional Command will still be deciphering the situation and hence no alert has been released through the Emergency Action System.

The Janitor would agree, before joining the priest he will send one last message on the AtomDLink informing the Alliance of his evacuation before going radio silent. The Janitor will comply with all instructions from the priest.

All returning Atomic Citizens will be processed quickly within border checkpoints, referencing their Digital ID's against those present in the system (Passport Holders require a Digital ID). Any Albertans who are attempting to seek refugee would be led to wait for coach buses where they will be transported into Saskatoon for processing and housing assistance. Those who are hesitant would be informed of the procedure and offered access to a telephone to contact relatives or loved ones. Media would attempt to speak with these individuals, but to no avail with many, however, those who do speak will be recorded and respected as they walk away.

All statements will be relayed to their main stations, and snips of the statements will be broadcasted on Atomic Media while blurring their faces. The background will feature the Border between the Alliance and Alberta.

No one will come forward to claim Ryker. He will remain calm and cooperative throughout his stay, requesting minimal essentials.

Pearson will remain silent for a moment, thinking over the propositions posed by Chimalpopoca before placing his hands onto the tables and clasping them together, looking around and beginning with
The Alliance is willing to retract our statements against the Albertan Governance upon the withdrawal of their troops from their borders, of course, we will perform the same action. Once the withdrawal is completed we will schedule a press conference to retract the statements levied against their Governance.
Pearson will grab some papers from his briefcase
You can be assured, the border between our states will be quite the increase of security based on these recent events, however, in regards to your request for information this is what the Alliance has uncovered currently.
Handing the papers to Jean, indicating 4 Arrests have been made for Fraud Charges while 5 remain unidentified. Documentation will indicate extensive efforts are underway to apprehend the fraudsters.

Following the meetings and subsequent cutting of military relations the Alliance would begin increased diplomatic efforts to discuss the terms of their future relationship, delegates in the Foreign Office will request a meeting between the states regarding Trade and the Military Alliances that were cut - Regular Diplomatics will be in attendance (No High-Ranking Officials yet)
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

Just to mess with the Alliance prisoners, some would be transferred to other prisons at random. Once they calm down, however, they would be left alone alongside the other prisoners.

With the recruit opening fire near Cold Lake, all other Albertan troops would return fire, with word being passed along to other stations fairly quickly that the Alliance fired first. With that, all other Albertan troops would open fire and steadily advance on the border.

The breakdown of the troops is as follows (95,000 total): 5,000 troops near Cold Lake, 30,000 at Lloydminster, 30,000 at Walsh (between Medicine Hat and Maple Creek), and 20,000 spread throughout other border crossings. The remaining 10,000 would be split between Calgary and Edmonton, to defend the cities if needed.

The 48 CF-18 Hornets are also sent into the air, with 20 heading over Lloydminster to engage with Alliance planes and troops in that region, and the other 20 headed to the south to engage with Alliance planes and troops in that region. The remaining 8 would hold back to engage any Alliance planes that attempt to circle into Alberta through other paths.

The 36 F-35A's also take to the air, but hold back for the time being, biding their time to see how the Alliance will respond.

The priest would take the janitor, along with several other people from Fort Vermillion in a truck, and start heading north, along the way he would pick up several others from High Level, before continuing towards the border. At one point, in the middle of the forest between High Level and the border, he would pull over and instruct everyone to get into the back of the truck. Inside would be various boxes with humanitarian goods inside them. The people would be instructed to hide behind the boxes. Once they comply, he would continue to the border. At the border, he would show his pass and explain his purpose. After a cursory look (for the shooting had begun around this time), the guards would let them through. From there he would continue towards Yellowknife. Just outside Yellowknife (~50km out) he would stop and meet with his connection, who would get into the truck and join them. From there they would head to Yellowknife airport, where the connection would lead them into the airport and to a waiting plane. Loading all the people onto the plane, he would give them instructions for their arrival in Nuuk.

Once they arrive in Nuuk another man would meet them at the airport and provide them all with the necessary IDs and cash to live a new life in Europe. From there they would be given tickets and a package and put on a flight to Amsterdam. The package would contain another large wad of cash, and train tickets to their new home countries in Europe.

Ryker is continued to be treated with respect and dignity.

Jean nods after receiving the documents and looking them over, "Good. I will step out of the room briefly to make the call for our troops to stand down. Meanwhile I trust that you will do the same. Please excuse me for a moment." Stepping out of the room briefly with his two guards, he makes the phone call to his top general back in Edmonton. "WHAT!!! How dare they! ... Oh, I see." There is a long pause. "Very well, do what you must." With that he hangs up the call and looks at one of the guards. "Give me your gun." When the guard complies, he raises the gun, and quickly shoots both guards in the head, before shooting himself in the head.

From within the room Chimalpopoca and Pearson would likely hear the yell of 'what' followed by the gunshots. Nodding, Chimalpopoca would send a Jaguar guard out to investigate, who reports back quickly to inform both that Jean and his guards are dead in the hall. Luckily, there would be security footage so there would be no way to pin the blame on the event on the Aztecs. Turning to Pearson, Chimalpopoca would speak. "Well, I am saddened that it had to come to this. You are welcome to remain here if you like, or return to your nation at your leisure. With his suicide, I will no longer interfere if you wish to invade, however be aware that if you do so in an inhumane manner, be that the bombing of civilian targets, or the dropping of nuclear weapons, we will intervene."

The new government of the Great Lakes agrees to an in person meeting in Detroit, however they send a low ranking member of their party for the meeting, seeing as the Alliance couldn't be bothered to send any high ranking officials to the meeting themselves. [skip to meeting]
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

Once observers for the Atomic Alliance recognize the movements of the Albertan forces an Emergency Action Message will be issued to all Atomic Citizens who have a registered device, furthermore, Air Raid Sirens will begin to alert citizens to seek shelter in their bunkers. These sirens will likely be audible from the Albertan Side and where visible would see many citizens rushing for cover.

Currently, the Alliance will have 1,500 ASF/1,000 Infantry near the Cold Lake Crossing, 5,000 ASF/1,000 Infantry in Lloydminster, 5,000 ASF/1,000 Infantry nearby Walsh, 2,000 ASF/1,000 Infantry in Fort Smith and 1,500 ASF/1,000 Infantry near Grumbler. These units will be attached to 450 A4V2s, the drivers will occupy 900 troops in the region capable of carrying 8 Infantiers, 10 when cramped in the IFV. Each City will see the deployment of S-400 Anti-Air systems, their RADAR will be searching for the presence of any Albertan Aircraft and will fire upon it when within range, the S-400 systems will also be working with AWACS to better identify targets.

Armoured Units will also be present featuring 250 A1V3s in Lloydminster occupying 1,000 troops, 250 near Walsh occupying 1,000 troops, 100 near Cold Lake occupying 400 troops, 50 in Fort Smith Occupying 200 Troops and 50 near Grumbler also occupying 200 troops. 500 A2V2's will be in Lloydminster occupying 1000 troops, 500 near Walsh occupying 1,000 Troops, 500 in Cold Lake occupying 1,000 troops, 500 in Fort Smith occupying 1,00soldiers, and 500 near Grumbler also occupying 1,000 troops. 500 A3V1s will be in Fort Smith and Grumbler occupying a total of 2,000 troops. 500 A3V1's will also be present in Lloydminster, Walsh and Cold Lake occupying a total of 3,0soldiersops.

Infantry and Armored Forces stationed along Walsh to Cold Lake will be disperesed to provide active protection amongst the border crossing in this accesible terrain, those in Northern Ontario will be dispersed amongst their designated cities as outside is primarily untreckable terrain.

The City of Thompkins, Kindersly, Paynton, and Dorintosh will see 50 A6V4's occupying 400 troops from the Alliance.
Along the Cold Lake, Lloydminster, and Walsh front, the Albertans will see 50 A5V1's each, occupying 300 Troops. Each will be about 25km from the Border.
Fort Smith and Grumbler will also see 50 A5V1's stationed about 20km from the border, occupying 200 troops. 50 A6V4's also occupying 200 troops will be present but aproximetely 75km from the border, they will mimick Armored/Infantry movements at this distance as safely as possible.

Along the border from Walsh to Cold Lake will see 50 EW1V2's and 50 EW1V4's deployed 50km away, occupying a total of 200 troops. Their exact locations are currently unknown as they are disguised and not currently active.

50,000 Troops have been ordered to mobilize from the Atomic Reserves, preparations have begun.

Infantry units along the front will deploy small recon drones to better understand the movements of the Albertans, identify defenses and relay this information to Artillery Units. Due to the design of the drone (Primarily Styrofoam with electronic insides and a Camera with GPS) they will be at high supply.

Armored units stationed from Walsh to Cold Lake will remain in their defensive positions (Infantry + Armored Entrencements) to keep the entrenched advantage, Albertan Forces that have advanced beyond any defenses will see their Infantry targetted by the A2V2 and A4V2 while armored units will be targetted by the A1V3 and A3V1.

Meanwhile, A5V1s outside of direct combat about 25km's away from Walsh to Cold Lake will begin fire missions to designated coordinates relayed by front-line infantry/armoured units, they will be utilizing Conventional Explosives but be operating on a near consistent basis to provide a "Wall of Fire" in front of allied forces. Meanwhile, A6V4's from in their respective positions will begin a hell rain of GMLRS-W on reported positions, each capable of striking targets 150km away, adding onto the Artillery Fire along the Walsh-Cold Lake border. Cities will be avoided and will primarily see Ground-Ground combat, the "Wall of Fire" is before the city and along the front, targetting additional troops who may arrive in the city or breach the line.

In the north, units stationed in Fort Smith and Grumbler will begin to advance forward, allowing Armored Vehicles to take the lead with Infantry following behind. A5V1's and A6V4's outside of these areas will provide fire support for targets identified by Infantry/Armored.

The Atomic Air Force will have 30 I-12's performing CAP amongst the Saskatchewan Airspace to prevent any Albertan Aircraft from entering, 20 I-12's will be operating in North Western Airspace also performing CAP with the same mission. The remaining 10 I-12s will be circling waiting for information on the HAARM mission.

35 A-4's in Saskachewan will begin flying towards the border at a low level, using their Stealth and Terrain to their advantage to avoid RADAR systems, once nearby the border they will increase to Medium Hight will remaining stealthy. Onboard systems will begin searching for RADIATION (Transmitted from RADAR), once a system is identified they will release a HAARM missile from their internal bay (Momentairly rebuting their stealth, but if targetted by the RADAR will increase its radiation signature). These A-4s will be carrying a total of 4 HAARM missiles each (140 HAARM's), an additional 20 A-4's in Saskachewan Airspace will be carrying 6 AGM's but will not engage untill the success of the 50 A-4's is known. The remaining 30 A-4s will be in North Western Airspace carrying AGM's, they are tasked with destroying Albertan Anti-Air in the region primarily with a secondary mission of attacking Armored Units. All A-4's will have 2 Air-to-Air missiles in their rear bay.

2 E-4 Controllers will be operating away from possible Anti-Air battery but scanning Albertan Airspace to update Alliance Aircraft, 1 will be present in the Northwest.
4 EW-130's will begin preparing to launch in Saskachewan , 2 EW-130s in the Northwest will also be preparing.

An Additional 25 AH-64E (Name will change soon, I will edit) will be deploying shortly along the Walsh-Lloydminster front, once its confirmed Air to Air defences are weakend or detected they will deploy.

Once in the Northwest, the Agent who joined along with the priest would end up refusing the ID's and Money, rather paying the Priest with his own money for any troubles caused and wishing him the best of luck, he would also provide the priest with a number if he was to ever 'need help'. He would avoid questions as to why he intends to remain in the alliance and rather makes his way towards the local police station.

No Further Actions by Ryker

Pearson will be slightly stunned by the gunshots at the palace, but keeps his emotions in check, rather awaiting the news from the guard. Once Pearson is informed that Jean had committed suicide he appeared shocked, immediately stating
What could have caused him to do this.

Once he listens to what Chimalpopoca would state, Pearson would already be moving towards the exit, his security will follow to the door and prepare to open it while another begins speaking into his AtomDLink.
I apologize, I must return to my nation. We will remain within our doctrinal command.
Pearson will quickly depart to his aircraft, flying through Southern Ontario and arriving in Regina. Once on the ground, the Atomic Council will be adjourned; many representatives have been waiting for his arrival; the meeting will be about the Albertans.

The meeting will be a standard greeting of new states, establishing groundwork on how to communicate with the new governance and seeking an updated status of their agreements. Nothing will be of interest, therefor nothing flashy will occur. ( This is probably no longer important in this thread - I will move elsewhere soon)
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

Noting the Alliance troops rushing for cover, many Albertan generals laugh, commenting to each other that they haven't even been targeting any civilian targets. Though one or two comment that if all the Alliance civilians take shelter, then they would be able to bomb the Alliance without restraint. However those comments are disregarded for the time being.

At first the recon drones would be able to get some good info on troop movements, once the Albertan troops get within 5km of them. However, due to the lack of trees in the regions, among other factors, they would eventually be spotted by the Albertan air defense systems, and the their troops would take to shooting them down with ease.

Holding a numerical advantage, the troops at Walsh and Lloydminster would easily push through any Atomic defenses, maintaining a barrage tactic to cover their advance. Although they would be briefly slowed, due to sheer numbers it wouldn't take long for them to overwhelm the Atomic troops and push further in Saskatchewan, especially with the Atomic troops so spread out along the 500km distance between Walsh and Cold Lake. Similarly, the "wall of fire" tactics used by the Atomic troops would be somewhat effective, but with the larger numbers of the Albertan troops, and their return fire barrages, they would likely be able to wipe out any with relative ease, further allowing their push into Saskatchewan.

Albertan troops at other border crossings, including Cold Lake, would hold their positions for the time being, with many being situated just across the border and firing on any Atomic troops and positions that are evident from their positions.

The CF-18 Hornets would engage the Atomic airforces as soon as they are within range. Although with the Atomic forces holding superior numbers, it is likely that they would be quickly outnumbered. Despite making some headway, it wouldn't be long until the CF-18s begin facing losses, with the remaining 12 (6 from Lloydminster and 6 from Walsh) fall back to regroup and reengage the Atomic forces, joined by the remaining 8 that held back. The F-35A's would hold above the Albertan troops, engaging any Atomic planes that come in range, but resisting any attempts to draw them from protecting the ground troops. 6 F-35A's would be withdrawn to protect Edmonton and Calgary (3 at each city), as AA weapons are moved into defensive positions near the cities.

AA weapons being carried by the troops would be relatively effective in engaging the Atomic airforces, although due to the superior numbers of Atomic planes, they would begin to be worn down, which would cause the troops to begin to take damage.

The priest takes the number, before returning back to Alberta.

[As the thread was started before you gained the NWT, I was continuing under the presumption that you didn't own that area yet.]

Chimalpopoca nods, and wishes Pearson the best. After Pearson leaves, the Aztecs continue to monitor the conflict but take no further actions at this time.

During the meeting the Great Lakes delegates state that their agreements are as they have been for the time being, but that all military agreements are cancelled. Beyond that they state that everything else will be as it has been.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

Despite the destruction of these small drones, Atomic Forces will continue to deploy them to assist their understanding of the battlefield.

Following the onslaught of a barrage tactic utilized by the Albertans, likely resulting in devastation of the Atomic Cities in Lloydminster and Walsh, the Alliance would perform a Tactical Withdrawal, establishing an entrenched barrier outside of the city while the Albertans continue their advance. Any who immediately follow outside would be met by heavy Small Arms Fire and Armored Fire, resulting in the death of many infantry and some armored. Atomic Citizens in these areas would remain in their bunkers and keep them sealed from within.

Information of the new Front Line outside Lloydminster and Walsh would be communicated, authorizing heavier strikes in these regions. Quickly, while A5V1's will continue direct fire support missions to defend Atomic Forces from Walsh to Cold Lake, the A6V4's will begin firing a mix of Thermobaric Missiles and Cluster Munitions directly at large clusters of Albertans in Lloydminster and Walsh, this would result in mass casualties amongst infantry as the Thermobaric Weapons ignite the surrounding air and then proceed to create a vacuum as it collapses, Cluster Munitions will lay a plethora of AT and AP mines creating an extremely difficult area to traverse for Albertans. Fire Missions in smaller areas of the front line and Cold Lake would continue as directed by land infantry. Atomic Forces will remain in their entrenchments. Some would be disabled from Counter-Battery, but many will remain operational and between fire missions swap locations to prevent Albertans from firing on them.

Many RADAR installations powering stationary AA systems would be destroyed from the launching of 140 HAARM missiles, following this mission success the other 20 on stand-by will begin to engage at a low level on designated targets by LASER or GPS approximations, most carrying 6 AGM's they will fire upon armored targets disabling their advance into Atomic Territory. Any of these A-4's that are engaged would use counter-measures and evac from the situation, some will fire AAM's back at the attacking CF-18's. The remaining 30 A-4s in the Northwest will begin engaging ground targets with AGM's, once again focusing on Armored Units. The 35 involved with the HAARM engagement will return to the airfield for re-arming, 15 of the A-4's will receive x2 AWH-5's (30 total), and Additional 30 AWH-5's will be moved into Saskatchewan and prepared for deployment.. The 25 AH-64's on standby will now move towards Lloydminster and Walsh primarily, utilizing their Long-Distance targeting capabilities to unleash AGM's at armored targets, further disabling the Albertans advance.

Any CF-18 that approaches close to the front line will be met with a S-400 missile targeting their aircraft, these will be easier to spot due to a lack of stealth technology.

I-12s designated for CAP in Saskatchewan will engage any CF-18 that approach the A-4s performing attack maneuvers.

E-4s will continue their air sweeps for hostile targets

The EW-130's will be fueled and take off, preparing their equipment for operation they will circle far away from the front line.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

Following the engagement initiated by the Alliance, observers will relay information back to command that their efforts have proven highly successful.
Other players (incl. NPCs) have 48 hours to respond to an action before it is considered that they lost the engagement in question.
Troops in Lloydminster and Walsh would be reported as decimated by the Thermobaric and Cluster Barrage, however, so would the cities. Despite the earie feeling that has been cast over the Alliance with the sight of a destroyed city and the bodies of the Albertans, the Alliance will begin to push forward once again, Heavy Armor mixed with Light will lead the charge forward, followed by mobile infantry in the rear. These movements are aimed at gaining control of the Albertan Side of these cities.

Units in the North (Grumbler-Fort Smith) will push further into Alberta, seeing success in their advance and barrage tactics. These units are moving quickly south along the freeway. Artillery will follow forward from a distance.

Following the confirmation of destruction for initial Albertan AA Defenses the Alliance will open for full-scale aerial warfare, the 20 A-4's from Saskatchewan moving West and 20 A-4's in the North moving South will continue guided ground attacks, primarily targeting armored units and large gatherings of Albertan Forces. These aircraft will utilize their x2 AAM's to target any incoming CF-18's. 20 A-4's will return to the front line's carrying 4 HAARM missiles each and will begin engaging AA defenses further into Alberta in the areas toward Edmonton and Calgary. 15 A-4s will begin flying in circles above Saskatchewan awaiting further orders.

20 I-12's from Saskatchewan will enter Albertan Airspace and begin targeting CF-18's and any detected F-35's. The I-12's will keep their weapons bay closed unless to engage a target, maximizing stealth capabilities. Another 10 I-12's in the North will enter into Albertan headed South, once again engaging any visible CF-18's/F-35's

E-4's will continue to relay RADAR information to Alliance Pilots to keep them aware of the battlespace.

AH-64E's will continue their advance aligned with the ground troops, providing CAS from a distance utilizing smart munitions guided either by the onboard ground radar or ground-based lasing.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

Following the defeat of the initial front lines, with only a smaller remaining force protecting Calgary and Edmonton, and seeing the destruction the Alliance is committed to, given their reliance on barrage tactics and their bombing runs, the Albertan military command in Edmonton reaches out to discuss terms for a ceasefire. They include mention that the ceasefire is to be followed by negotiations to discuss a controlled implementation of democracy in Alberta, as per the understood motivation behind the Alliance's actions. This would, naturally, be supervised by the Alliance. There is no mention of ceding any land to the Alliance. The military officers make it clear that one of the terms of the ceasefire and negotiations is that the Alliance call off their bombing campaigns immediately, and that their airforce holds at a range of 150km outside of Calgary and Edmonton. The terms also state that only a force of 15,000 troops may enter Edmonton and Calgary, and that there is to be no fighting on the streets of those cities.

Meanwhile, the remaining planes and troops would withdraw to Calgary and Edmonton, while citizens in the path of the full on barrage would be instructed to retreat to basements and cellars. Given the full reliance on barrage tactics and full-scale aerial bombing in tactical areas, it is highly likely that the main highways would become decimated, along with several towns and cities. With the complete destruction of Lloydminster and Walsh, some of the survivors would begin spreading images online with captions along the lines of "Don't trust the Alliance" "Down with the Alliance" "Atomic war crimes" "Justice for Lloydminster" and "Say no to annexation". These images would begin turning public opinion in Alberta against the Alliance. Some, especially in Calgary and rural communities, who may have initially seen the Alliance as liberators, start changing their opinions to support a reforming of the Albertan government, without any border changes.

These images would be able to spread to other media sites, as the Alliance's assault tactics would have caused damage to the Albertan censorship abilities. It is extremely likely that the images would spread online fairly quickly, especially in democratic countries like the Alliance, where public opinion would likely be negatively influenced, due to the unrestrained actions by the Alliance against Albertan civilians.

[Sorry, it's been fairly busy here lately, and I totally forgot about this.]
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

Upon receiving the terms from the Albertans, Atomic Generals will contact the Commandant via their AtomDLink device, quickly briefing him on the situation that has developed and the options provided, acknowledging this information the Commandant will advise them to standby while he engages the Council.

Meanwhile, the Atomic Advance will slow, those in marching for Calgary will stop just outside Bassano, only targeting Albertans forces that are defending their position, any retreating will not be targeted. The same will be seen for those headed into Edmonton will stop at Innisfree, with a similar engagement position

Those in the North will stop their push at Fort Chipewyan and High Level, establishing defensive positions and the artillery will begin inspections of their weaponry to ensure its optimal for possible engagement

Similar orders are relayed to the A-4s and I-12s advancing from Saskatchewan and the Northwest toward Edmonton and Calgary, they will remain 150km outside of the city and perform CAP amongst the territory east and north of Calgary/Edmonton. 5 A-4s will be redirected and rearm with Leaflet Container's placing as many internally and externally as possible, using HEMP paper to prevent natural resource abuse, and dropping in populated areas, these leaflets will state the Alliance is here to establish a democratic governance, expect polling stations shortly and increased atomic presence. Contact numbers for the Military, First Aid and Democratic inquiries are listed aswell.

Meanwhile, the Commandant would convene the Council, all connecting virtually on a LAN connection, once established the Commandant will brief the council on the ceasefire and offer for discussion. Immediately, a counsellor will begin speaking

We must agree to the ceasefire, if they wish to end this war peacefully we must act on it, the alliance only fights in defence of democracy and through this we can truly reforge the Albertan governance.
Many will speak in their support, echoing their statements

Another will stand, examining the room before stating
We cannot stop our advance, speak with the albertans but push their forces into Calgary! We must force a capitulation regardless of what they try to negotiate!
Only a few will speak in support, meant disagreeing and siding with the peace approach. After a lengthy debate the commandant will finally add

The Alliance must maintain our posture of defending democracy, provide the governance with the ceasefire and speak with their leaders, they have noted they intend to establish a democratic state in lieu of their leader and failing regime. If we stop and peacefully perform this, we may still be able to integrate their governance,

This will finalize the meeting, a silence followed the statement with the General Secretary then calling the vote. Once tallied electronically, the result shows the council supports the peaceful method spearheaded by the Commandant. Initially, the foreign office will communicate an acceptance to their ceasefire and that the state will send representatives to begin the meeting. This is followed by the Commandant boarding a Private Stealth Hawk and fly to the front lines, meeting with a force of 4 A4V2’s, totalling 40 Soldiers (2/Drivers per, 8 Pax), the Commandant will be placed in a Blast Resistant/Bullet Proof transport and escorted in the middle, they will head toward Calgary.

A statement is released to the general media
The Alliance had engaged in peace talks with the Albertan Governance, hence a ceasefire is in effect. Further updates will be provided.
This is followed be a press meeting at the Council where many will voice interest in establishing a functional state, furthering development in the state and establish a stronger connection following this conflict.

This release will be covered by the accusations of criminal activity by the Alliance in their warfare, the Council will state all measures were taken to prevent the advance of Albertan Forces who charged the border initially, following an incident of fire on both sides where Albertan forces fired first, but neither discharged at each other.

Some unrest will be growing in Toronto, Saskatoon and Winnipeg

Engineering teams and excavation teams in Saskatchewan will mobilize into Lloydminster and Walsh, initial efforts are focused on removing rubble from above atomic structures and accessing their shelters, once open they will be assisted to collection locations and bussed to other cities where relief centres will begin opening by civil defence. As more volunteers and engineers arrive they will also work on finding Albertan survivors.

[no problem]
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

The Albertan forces would have already been holding their fire, and following word of the official ceasefire, they would withdraw to key infrastructure (prisons, government buildings, and military installations) in Calgary and Edmonton, as well as several heading to Drumheller to protect the correctional institution there. The military command in Edmonton would head to the airport in Leduc to meet the arriving Atomic representatives. Once they arrive, they would be taken to the Albertan parliament building, where Military General Jason Kenny would begin the talks. "Thank you for agreeing to the terms of the ceasefire, now, how shall we go about these next steps. What are your terms for a peace deal? I should warn you, the acquisition of land is off the table."

Elsewhere Albertan citizens will slowly begin emerging from their bunkers, but they would noticeably avoid any Atomic forces in the areas. After a day or two they would return to business as usual. Most would avoid reporters, though some would speak to them, split between talking negatively about the Atomic assault (70%) and talking optimistically about the future (30% - particularly youth).
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

Those approaching from the East toward Calgary and Edmonton will continue to hold their positions, establishing temporary camps while others establish entrenched positions in the event the firefight begins once again. The same will be seen in the north.

Aerial forces will continue their patrols and leaflet drops

An official order is communicated that a ceasefire is in effect and that no engagement is authorized unless the albertans fire first.

Meanwhile Commandant Pearson, accompanied by General Harper and Clayton will enter the Albertan Parliament building, escorted by 15 Soldiers, they will examine the structure and interior styling of the building to gather more information of this ‘Parliament’

The terms are simple, the current Albertan state will announce its dissolution, the Alliance will assume temporary oversight of the nation and hold a formal election to choose their new representatives who will conduct the operation of the Albertan state, once this new representation is formed the alliance will relinquish control back to this governance. However, the new governance will operate under the supervision of the alliance who will oversee foreign affairs and military operation while they will retain nominal control of internal affairs.
Commandant Pearson states, looking toward Harper

Now, the Albertan Military will operate as a self defence force, the Albertan Command will be subservient to the Alliance High Command and be limited to a force of 40,000 and 50 aircraft. Alberta will also adopt a non-aggression pact with the alliance and cement it within their constitution
Harper will state, finalizing the look toward Clayton

Finally, Foreign Affairs will be supervised by my department and in conjunction with the Alliances Foreign Office to ensure positive relations across North America. These terms will be in place untill the Council determines that Alberta has proven their ability to maintain a democratic state.
Clayton finalizes, followed by Pearson presenting a document in-front of General Kenny before providing one final statement.

At no time during this does the Alliance intend to interfere with internal operations of Alberta, we will withhold a presence or security forces to ensure fair and untampered elections and overall security during this transition. The amount of forces will be diminished overtime as trust grows between our newly democratic states.

Atomic News corporations wearing Kevlar will begin displaying images of the areas captured by the Alliance, some attempting to speak with Albertans, any who agree will be asked their opinion of the conflict and how it has effected them. The same will be done with Atomic Soldiers, many of which will state they feel this conflict has been a benefit for North America as they have removed the existence of an authoritarian state, some expressing they like that the oppressive Albertan state is gone but they question some orders.

As the broadcasts are televised, many in the Alliance will support the conflict (55%) while some begin protesting their actions (15%) while the remaining will be undecided (30%)

Those emerging from cellars or bunkers will be met with Alliance Relief Organizations offering food and water, transport inward to the alliance for housing and clothing. Those who refuse will be offered a pamphlet stating the intentions of the alliance and the continued offer of relief.

Soldiers would attempt to speak with the albertans casually during their ceasefire, ranging from casual conversation to flirtatious statements by the younger soldiers.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:35 pm by Alanston


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